
Sunday, March 22, 2020

Morning Prayer

Let's pray this prayer together.

Dear heavenly Father, we come to you through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Thank you Father for Jesus making the decision to suffer and die for our sins, and having the strength to carry it out. Thank you Father that through His actions, He defeated all the powers of darkness, Satan, and death. Thank you for the opportunity to believe in you and Him and receive not only forgiveness for our sins, but eternal life in a place Jesus is preparing for us. And thank you Father for the indwelling of Holy Spirit being available to us, all we have to do is ask. Father thank you for being with each and every believer. Thank you Father that we have the peace of knowing that you will never leave us nor forsake us in this life nor in death. Thank you Father for this time to reflect, to re-evaluate our lives, to search our hearts for what truly drives us, and put you first in our lives. Father we ask you to strengthen us to resist sin, to lead us down the narrow path which every believer must follow because we are a holy people, loved and cherished by you. Thank you for giving us the clarity to do everything that we do as unto you. Thank you for giving us life and for helping us live our best, be our best, and live for Christ instead of our own selfish desires and gain. In the precious and powerful name Jesus we pray and give you praise. Amen.