
Monday, October 17, 2016

I Can Not Imagine But I Believe

It is unfathomable to me what Jesus went through when he was beaten and crucified. I have read about it in The Word of God, the Holy Bible. I have heard it taught on and preached on. I have seen movies about it but even the movie The Passion can not depict the gruesomeness of what Jesus Christ went through for us.

A scourging was meant to do great physical damage to a person's body and to demean and humiliate the person who was being scourged. A Roman scourging was usually done by two Roman soldiers and they would alternate lashes. We know from the written Word that Jesus was whipped thirty-nine times.  Roman soldiers used different types of whips. Roman whips were made to cut into the flesh and to rip flesh from the body. A Roman scourging was considered a slow death that occurred over a period of two to three days due to blood loss and infection that would set in.  A crown of thorns was pressed into his flesh. Stakes were nailed through his hands and feet. People who were crucified eventually died from exhaustion and asphyxiation.

Christ died because he gave up the Holy Ghost. It was finished. It was done. He finished what he came into the world to do. I can not imagine what Jesus went through or how badly he suffered but I know that he did it. Jesus did not come into the world to condemn the world but to save and to heal everyone who believes on him.

Jesus suffered worse than anyone has ever suffered or ever will so that when we believe on him we are cleansed from sin, sickness and disease.  He took all of our sin on himself. He took all of our sickness and disease on himself. He didn't take part of it because we made a mistake or sinned or made a bad decision or was born into a family that has a certain disease that is passed through the bloodline. He took it all on himself and died for us while we were dead in sin that we will have eternal life. Then after being the atoning sacrifice for our sins he returned to the Father and asked the Father to send to us another advocate to help us and be with us forever, the Spirit of truth, the Holy Spirit.

When we allow our conscience or wrong thinking patterns to hinder us from receiving healing and enjoying peace and joy then that is our bad. That is our mistake. We make mistakes. Our flesh is sin. We have to keep putting ourselves back in line. We have to work on putting on the mind of Christ and living an acceptable way for the one who suffered and died for us. Every day we have to work at living and breathing the word of God so that it becomes natural to us but we will have a war going on inside of us until Christ returns for us because we are flesh and we are spirit. The Spirit is life.We have to change our thinking patterns so that our way of thinking lines up with the Word of God. Jesus did not halfway do anything. And what he has done is done. It is up to us to accept his forgiveness and it is up to us to accept and claim our healing.

Study the word of God and learn the promises that he has made to us. God never changes and the Word never changes. Accept the holy spirit and be born again into the family of Christ and allow the holy spirit to lead you, guide you and teach you. And very importantly in receiving God's promises, speak God's Word over you life and the lives of your loved ones. Your words either speak death or life into your life. It us up to you to control your thinking and the words that come out of your mouth and what you speak into your life. God bless you.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Thank You Father


Thank you for waking me up this morning. Thank you for a beautiful day. Thank you for creating me in your likeness. Thank you for giving me a heart after your own heart. Thank you for being my everything. Thank you for being my mother, my father, my sister and my brother, my aunt,  my uncle, my son and my daughter, and my husband. Thank for who i am today. Thank you for all the times that you have put me back on the potters wheel and kneaded me, and shaped me and molded me. Thank you for the holy spirit teaching me, leading me and guiding me. Thank you for keeping me, watching over me,  protecting me, uplifting me, unconditionally loving me. Thank you for for making me your child and for spoiling me. Thank you for restoring to me everything that has been taken from me. Thank you for preparing a table for me in the presence of my enemies. Thank you for anointing my head with oil. Thank you for making my cup to run over. Thank you for cutting away from me and my life everything that isn't of you. I ask you today my wonderful father, to use me, speak through me, bless others through me, use me to plant your seed,  use me to water your seed, and use me to say the right things to the little children and help them through this difficult time. Thank you for being my father. Thank you for choosing me before the foundations of the world. You are the one true God. You are wonderful. You are mighty. You are compassionate and a God of love. You know everything. You have my best interest at heart. I pray that your will be done in me and in my life, in my career and in my relationships. I pray that your will be done not my will in all things. I trust you with all of my heart. I trust you with my life here and my eternal life. I trust you to take care of me, heal me, lead me, teach me. I trust you to never leave me nor forsake me. You are my strength, both my commander and my comrade. I love you with my heart, mind, soul and life. Use me Father. Thank you for manifesting the fruit of the spirit through me. Thank you for the gifts of the spirit. Thank you that in Jesus name I cast out demons and heal the sick and speak in tongue's and interpret and prophesy. Thank you for discerning of the spirits. Thank you for covering me with armor to do battle from the bottom of my feet to the top of my head. Thank you for the sword of the spirit which is your word living within me and bringing into remembrance that scripture which i need in any moment. Thank you for covering me with your grace, enveloping me in your love and keeping me safe under your wings. You are perfect, you are loving,  you are kind, you are forgiving. You are my God and Father, my everything. I love you.