So often the love we're expected to show other believers is misplaced on unbelievers because we think it will change them, that our love can change them but it can't. Going to God with a contrite heart, humbling ourselves to him and confessing our sins out of thankfulness and gratefulness for Jesus giving his life, that is believing. That is the beginning of change.
We know from the parable of the sower, farmer, that believing and having the desire to be and live as a child of God can be short lived. Some hear the Word of God but do not understand it and the evil one comes along and snatches away what was in their heart. Then there are those who hear the Word of God and immediately receive it with joy but it doesn't take root in their heart and when persecution comes because of the Word they fall away. Then there are those who hear the Word but worries of life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the Word making it unfruitful.
Jesus said, "greater works then these shall you do." We have power through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We are joint heirs with Christ. He has gone before us to prepare a place for us. Can you imagine living eternally in a perfect place where there's no sorrow, no sickness, and no heartache? Are you willing to give that up to temporarily be with an unbeliever in the short lifetime we have in this world. Is giving up the powerful influence you have sharing and teaching God's word to others worth the momentary pleasures of your flesh with this person?
God warns his people time and time again to not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. The powers of darkness will use them to slowly but surely turn you against God. One day laying on your death bed or at the end of your rope after a long life of trials in the flesh you may realize that you stopped reading and studying God's word, you stopped standing up for what's right according to God's word, you stopped valuing yourself, your life and using your talents to be a blessing to others, and you stopped praising and worshipping God. You no longer have a grateful heart. You stopped showing reverence for God because you made the decision to be with an unbeliever and the enemy came and covered your eyes from the truth and you became as a shadow rather then a beacon of light in a dark world.
We have been called to be the light of the world. We have been called to show people a better way; a life filled with the fruit of the spirit. You may think it's easier to live life half cocked. You believe in God, you know he's real but it's easier praying in secret then it is to be bold for him and declare to the world that you are a child of God and give him glory for the air in your lungs, publicly announcing your faith. After all, once you announce you're a child of God people look at you under a microscope and pick apart everything you say, looking for fault and tearing you down. It's easier to remain quiet and be invisible but at what price? At the price of your soul? At the price of your conscience? At the cost of a wonderful lifelong relationship with the author of true love? At the cost of a close relationship with the only one who will ever truly love you perfectly and unconditionally? Who are you? Whose child are you?
Lisa C