
Sunday, November 24, 2013

What Life Really Is

            Life is a spiritual battle between good and evil. Even for an individual. God (good) offers us love, peace, joy and fulfillment. Satan (evil) gives us the spirit of fear. He wants for us to be miserable and to blame God.

            God gives us the freedom to make our own choices. He wants for us to choose Him (goodness) over evil (Satan). Satan gives us doubt. He uses our emotions to torture us and weaken us. God gives us armor to overcome evil. God is for us. He gives us life and freedom. All we have to do is call on Him, believe in Him, love Him and to be thankful. Satan wants to kill, steal and destroy us and our lives.

            God gives us gifts of the Holy Spirit and gifts to do good. Satan wants to mislead us so that we will not use our gifts to do good. Negatives and negative thinking are tools that Satan can use against us. When we are ready to use our gifts to do good we have to get rid of the negatives and the old mindset. We have to put on the mind of Christ, trust in God and go for it. Resist the devil and he shall flee.


There is no pure line,

But it needs to be without disease.

Not much chance of giving it

If you have a temp of 103.

It saves lives and helps many.

I may need some one day.

It is a wonderful feeling to know,

I may have helped someone to be okay.

Written by: Lisa Collier Clewis, 15August2011



Roses are for the living.

Darkness is for the dead.

Life is for giving.

Death is ending.

Cherish children when they are young.

Embrace their adulthood when they have sprung.

Parents are always getting older.

Do not let anger smolder.

Forgiveness comes from deep within.

Upon the good Lord we depend.

Rain comes down by buckets full.

Against gravity we constantly pull.

The sound of thunder is roaring.

The falling rain sounds as though it is mourning.

Lightning strikes and lights up the earth.

Tomorrow fallen seeds will give birth.

Written by: Lisa Collier Clewis, 08August2011



Writing is like the mirror of my soul;

Words and paper merge like unto a beautiful sunset over the ocean.

Trees grow upside down and clouds float beneath your feet.

The beauty, depth, continuous blend of nature; water and sky.

The serenity is breathtaking and the air fills you so completely.

To breath in beauty; nature, sky and water, and feel as though

You are transparent like air; everywhere, touching everything, giving life.

I love my sou; my beautiful, giving, wise soul.

You move me, hold me, heal me from within so that I can

Give healing to others.

Words touch deep as do the trees planted by the waters,

Reaching upward to the sky where the tops of majestic trees touch the river.

Moving softly, calmly, accurately

Giving beauty and growth to all.

Written by: Lisa Collier Clewis

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

To Know A Man

To Know A Man

Dedicated to My Husband, Matthew the man of my dreams.

Written by Lisa Collier Clewis, many years ago.

It’s still true today.



To know a man is to feel him and to feel the emotion behind the expression, the twinge behind the pain.

To love a man is to fully embrace him with your heart and to burn in every centimeter of your body only for him and for him only, to the extension that his pain rivets your body and his laughter gives rise to your soul.

To believe in a man is to know that you have chosen whom you will follow; to know that God has given you to him to help him and give him support because you know that he is better, strong and a leader and you will follow him everywhere with God’s grace upon you both.

To care about a man is to be there when no one else will; to be his friend, his companion, and lover. And to pick him up when he falls and cheer him on when he tries because he is the man you chose, in him you are a believer.

To be a wife to a man is to care about his ever need as you do a child but with the reverence of a king; to know him and cherish him and love him and hang on his every word. And to stand beside him and in front of him when needed; to fully embrace his never ending love.

To make love to a man is to become one with him; to feel your heart speed up at the slightest pressure of his fingers on your skin, to feel electricity through your body as he penetrates you and sets you free to feel love and unexplainable pleasure in the freedom of orgasmic tension building in your body until you explode into ecstasy.

Yes, this is true love!


Monday, November 18, 2013


Where were a woman without a mother?
Oh, how sad her life would be.
Where were a daughter without a father?
Oh, how empty her heart would be.
Where were a sister without a brother?
Who would her comrade be?
Where were a wife without a husband?
Who would her companion be?
Where were a life without these?
In the hands of those who don't care to be.

Written by Lisa Collier Clewis, 26February1993

Love Life

Love is a wonderful thing,
A thing of pleasure;
More special then the birds that sing.
Love indeed can not be measured.
It's more powerful then the air we breath.

Love is the newness of life,
Of giving birth
And being a man's wife.
Love never touches the earth.
It reigns above where love is eternal life.

Written by Lisa Collier Clewis, Summer 1992

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Splashing In Memories

Have you ever sat on the beach
and tried to count the waves,
thought about their enormous strength
and how they never really go away;
Rolling, tumbling upon the sandy beach
with only a moment to stay,
bowing down underneath your feet
and slowly creeping away?
Then coming back with a might thrush
splashing water into your face,
Have you ever sat on the beach
and tried to count the waves?
Have you ever tried to count
the many memories of your life,
One living vividly within your mind
another so far away it's impossible to find?
What if you could mingle all your memories into one
and know the better memories of life would overcome
The strife, the pain, the sorrow, the rain
would all soon be dried up
By the sunshine in your heart
which is as solid  as a coconut?
Memories in your mind are like waves
splashed upon the earth,
Some treat them with indifference
while others seek their birth.

Written by Lisa Collier Clewis, Summer 1992

Sister Website

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

God Is Love Paper Weights

I make God Is Love Paper weights for anyone who would like to have one. They are pocket sized. You can choose between the inscription 'God Is Love' written in English or Hebrew. I can not make and mail them for free. $2.00 pays for the stone of your choice and postage. If you are interested please visit