
Sunday, August 14, 2016

Why I Fast

I have found that I need alone time with God to be spiritually strong. I take the time to nurture my heart and spirit with the food that it craves by joyfully depriving myself of something fast my body doesn't need. Food is important for our health and fasting is food to our spirit. Our spirit should control our thoughts and actions not where the world takes us.

Even if you have only a few hours dedicate your time and fasting to God and get some alone time with him in the word and prayer and praise. We are almost constantly bombarded with worldly things and negatives and problems but how we spend our free time is our choice. When you make the decision to focus on God and worshipping and praising him and thanking him and give yourself the time to reinforce your mind and heart with positives and promises and faith you are giving yourself the ability to deal with the worldly stuff and negatives. You can fast by not eating during this time or not drinking your favourite soda or whatever. Just everything you do do it unto the Lord. I love everyone.