In Philippians 4:6-7 KJV Bible we read
'Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.'
When we are in need we are to earnestly ask with thanksgiving. We are to make our request known to God. And then expect the peace of God to keep our minds and hearts.
The Greek word for the phrase 'shall keep' in verse 7 is φρουρέω. It means to protect. God gives us peace to protect our minds and hearts. What do our minds and hearts need protecting from when we're petitioning God for something?
Faith is believing in things we cannot see with the physical eye. The enemy will attack that which he needs to in order to diminish our faith. What is your weakness? Is it faith in God? Is it believing that God really wants to give you what you're asking for. Is it self worth? Do you question in your heart that you deserve or have earned God's favor? Thankfully we do not need to earn God's favor, love or attention. He is already a loving, merciful, forgiving and attentive Father. We only need to have faith and to receive. That's it! He does the rest. Isn't God great? Isn't his love complete?
When you are struggling to have faith ask yourself why and talk to God about it. Ask God to give you faith and wisdom. God loves you and his grace is sufficient for everything. Just go to God and make your petition with thanksgiving.
Sometimes we will receive the answer no because what we request isn't God's will. He sees and knows things that we do not. Like a parent who can see potential danger for their child God sees all things for us. He knows best. Trust him. Lean into him.
Sometimes we will receive something but in God's timing not our own. Sometimes we will receive something right away. In any case, be thankful in all things. Be conscious of what you have received.
Written by Lisa C