
Friday, February 28, 2020

I was in Prison and You Visited Me

We all are prisoners of some sort. There are prisons with walls, bars, and gates; and their are the prisons in our minds. We can be a prisoner of our past, a prisoner of hate, a prisoner of self loathing, a prisoner of fear, a prisoner of prejudicism, a prisoner of depression, a prisoner of pain whether physical or mental, a prisoner of revenge, a prisoner of pride, a prisoner of defeat, a prisoner of addiction to drugs, alcohol, porn, sex, shoplifting, and many others. We can be a prisoner of fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of being alone, fear that our abuser is right and we can't make it on our own. There is the prison of guilt, the prison of making a fool out of yourself, the prison of going outside, meeting new people, making changes, the fear of the unknown, the fear of letting go even when what you have isn't good for your.

The prisons in our mind are fortified with negative thoughts. Out minds are attacked with thoughts that feed our fear, thoughts of helplessness, confusion, and failures. Thoughts of all our failures, all the terrible things we've been through, thoughts of the things we've done wrong, thoughts of the things we've lost, thoughts of the people we've lost, thoughts of missed opportunities, thoughts of the sin we've committed, thoughts of the sin in our life, thoughts of the negative and hurtful things people have said to us, thoughts of personal attacks to our character, thoughts of how unimportant and unloved and unlovable we are, thoughts of guilt, and thoughts of why we don't deserve to be loved or happy. These thoughts are the metal bars, walls and gates that keep us in prison. These thoughts are our stumbling blocks, our enemy. These thoughts take the wind out of our sail. They take the water from beneath the boat. They take the engine out of the car.

We can break free from these prisons and we have help. Many verses in the Holy Bible are about freedom. We can be set free from these misconceptions, these lies that we believe about ourself and our life, wrongful believing about who God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are to us, and sin. Some of my favorite Bible truths are that Jesus is for us not against us, he will never leave us nor forsake us, and that if God is for us then who can be against us?

It takes hard work to break free from our personal prisons because we have to acknowledge that we have a prison we need to be set free from. We have to search the scriptures and learn the promises and the facts about who we are in Christ. The internet is a great place to find scriptures on specific topics that we can find and read in the Bible. Don't let your eyes fog over and say well I knew there was a catch. Jesus planned to die for you before you were born so that you can be filled with the Holy Spirit and have a direct line of communication with our heavenly father. When you get out in left field, Jesus searches for you until he finds you and brings you back to the fold. You cannot work for salvation. Your works will not get you into heaven. Only your faith in Jesus's love and sacrifice will do that. You can't belittle what Jesus did for you by trying to work your way into heaven. That's already been done, to God be the glory. Praise and honor to Jesus Christ our Lord, Savior, and Redeemer.

You will have to learn how to train your mind and what you think. You will have to bring into submission your emotions when they try to run away from you or prevent you from living your best life. You have to bring into submission the negative thoughts and consciously replace them with positive, godly, holy thoughts. You are God's child, his creation, his baby. He is protective and he is going to teach us what we need to know and do so we will live a life bearing the fruit of the spirit which are love, joy, peace, kindness, faithfulness, self control, patience, gentleness, and goodness.

There are numerous verses in the Bible about being set free. Search the scriptures. Read a daily devotional. Dwell on scripture, God's promises, who we are in Christ, think on those things which are good and godly. God wants for us to live a more than abundant life. He wants for us to be healthy, whole, and to live in peace with inner joy. These things come from him and knowing him, having a relationship with him. Communication is key to a relationship. Talk to God. Tell him everything. He wants to hear you say every detail and set yourself free from that heavy baggage. There were times in my life that I felt so unworthy to be loved by God but I found out that some of the most amazing things that he's done for me was during those times. He is fighting for us, always working in the background to turn things in our favor. Do yourself a favor, put your trust in God.

Lisa C

Friday, February 7, 2020

Healing and the Paschal Lamb

I've been using my down time over the past several days to polish up a book that I wrote many years ago and add more to it so that I can add more testimonies of healing and grace to it; that is when I've been able to see it. My vision has been so blurry. Praise God he used it to teach me some things about myself and to bless me.

God doesn't make us sick but he will use it for our good, to have a closer relationship with us, teach us something, bless us or others, so many possibilities. He turns even our mistakes into blessings. And he gives us an eternal life with new bodies that will never get sick, wear out or die. This down time with added time in the scriptures, prayer, and joyful praise in my home, and thinking about all the ways God has blessed me was just what I needed. I'm not saying he caused me to be sick, but he has certainly blessed me and my heart every day through it and I feel stronger spiritually, mentally, and emotionally.

My children and grandchildren have been through some stuff the past two weeks, two longer than that. Some have had the flu, some have things going on I won't mention. I have been worrying and anxious, wanting to do something to help them, to change things for them. I can't change things that they go through; but I can pray and be there for them and encourage them in the Lord who I know will never leave them nor forsake them. And I know I shouldn't be anxious. I should have been trusting God and that's the main thing he's helped me with this week, keeping my eyes on him and trusting him.

I feel better today after a couple shots n meds that I got yesterday when I went to the Dr. I guess the flu decided to leave me with impacted and infected sinuses. I'm so glad I had gotten a flu shot. It could have been a whole lot worse. We all have sickness and trials but none of us go through them alone. God never forsakes us nor leaves us. It may seem like it sometimes because we can't see him through all the despair and have our eyes on our problems instead of him, but when we take our eyes off of our problems and keep them on him, our Redeemer, we see that he is right there with us, waiting for us to lean on him and trust him.

It breaks my heart when people blame God for making them or a loved one sick, or for being in an accident and hurt, or for other things that tear at their faith and stab them in their heart. God didn't bring sin into the world. He didn't intend for us to live in sin or sickness or the other terrible things we go through. He gave man free will. Man brought sin into the world when he disobeyed God. Man broke the perfect fellowship he had with God by sinning against God. Then so that man would not eat from the tree of Life and live forever God kicked them out of the garden of Eden.

The only way we can live in harmony and fellowship with God now is through his unique Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who was born and lived as a man, flesh and blood, and willingly suffered throughout his life, suffered and was crucified as the paschal lamb for our sins therefore completing the law, bringing us into the period of grace that we live in, and through his blood and stripes we are healed. Praise God for that and for these miraculous bodies that fight off viruses, infections and disease. And praise God for the advanced medical care we have today. It's amazing what can happen when people use their gifts and talents to be a blessing to others.

I praise God for all his benefits. He blesses us and is working behind the scenes for us and will perform miracles in our lives if we'll just follow him. We read in Psalm's 37:4 Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you your heart’s desires.

Lisa Cdiv dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on">

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

We Have Been Given Power

We are not without power to overcome. We are not vulnerable, nor have we been given a weak mind. We are given power to overcome, edified by the Holy Spirit. God is waiting for us to give him power to do his will in our life, waiting to turn things in our favor. He is ready, as a powerful and loving Father, to align our circumstances according to his will. Won't you study and know his promises, trust him to pour out his favor and blessings on YOU? He loves you unconditionally. He is able and willing to turn things in your favor. Align your will with his.

And He said to them, I saw Satan falling like a lightning [flash] from heaven. Behold! I have given you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and [physical and mental strength and ability] over all the power that the enemy [possesses]; and nothing shall in any way harm you. Nevertheless, do not rejoice at this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are enrolled in heaven. [Exod. 32:32; Ps. 69:28; Dan. 12:1.]
Luke 10:18‭-‬20 AMPC

Lisa C