When you are thankful for what you have instead of concentrating on what you do not have, you are content. Being content is a state of mind. To live content is freeing. You have more room in your heart for love, joy, and peace. You can be happy because you are concentrating on positives not 'what if' or 'if only.' Too often we make things about ourselves instead of looking for ways to be a blessing to others. If you have something you do not need, give it to someone who does need it. If you have more than enough, share with someone who does not have any. Spend time with people. Time is valuable and there are people who want you to share time with them; a short conversation at the grocery store, a kind word at the gas station, a shared meal, a phone call, a text, a visit. You can ease someone's burden. You can ease someone's pain. You can be a light in the darkness. We are to love one another the way Christ loves the church. We are his bride adorned in beauty. Share that beauty with others and show them the reason for your joy and peace. God is our everything and everyone to us. Be thankful, and share his gift of love, his kindness, and his gentleness.
Lisa C