
Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Faith Exercise

1. Write down 3 things that God has done for you. 
2. Take time to meditate and feel thankful for each one.
3. Write down 1 need that you have. 
4. Look up 3 scripture references that pertain to this particular kind of need and write it down. Ex. Scripture on healing, forgiveness, peace for the anxious, comfort for the broken-hearted. 
5. Write down your scripture references. This can include the complete verses, passage the verse is in, or just book, chapter and verse. 
6. Read the chapter these verses are in. 
7. For help with particular words or phrases look them up online at Blue Letter Bible.
8. Write down a prayer for this need including words and phrases from all three scripture references.
9. Keep your prayer nearby so you can pray on it throughout the day. 
10. If you don't already, invest in a prayer journal so you can check off the prayers that God has answered as he answers them.
Written by: Lisa C

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Hard Fought Hallelujah

I love the song, 'Hard Fought Hallelujah' by Brandon Lake. When I listen to this song I am reminded of all the storms that God has brought me through. The worst storm of all was losing my daughter. Praise and worship are our defense and meant to encourage and uplift us as we praise and worship a holy God. When your heart feels crushed and you think you're life is in a million pieces it can be hard finding that place from within where praise comes from. You may have to fake it to begin with and get loud and have an ugly face and tears, ripping through the pain looking for something good. But keep bringing to mind all the other things God has brought you and your loved ones through.  Think about how his mercy is renewed daily for our benefit.  Think about his grace that he's covered is with. Think about how he must have felt when the exact opposite of his love and will for us, when the powers of principalities and darkness, nailed his son to the cross. Think about the pride he must have felt when his son gave his life to destroy death and the damnation we were destined for until Jesus GAVE his life to give us salvation, eternal life, and sonship rights. Jesus holds the keys to death. In Christ, we are no longer condemned but reborn as son's and daughters of God. My daughter's spirit is in the bosom of my heavenly Father. Her spirit is free to worship and praise our Father and bask in his light. We always have something to be thankful for and happy about. Keep fighting for your praise. It will come!
Written by: Lisa C

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Analogy of Our Father's Love

Have you ever watched a child learn how to walk. Watching my children learn how to walk was a blessing to me. The word blessing doesn't even begin to describe how I felt as I watched my children's determination to walk no matter how many times they stumbled or fell. 

I watched them catch their balance when they stumbled. I saw them stand back up and try again and again. I loved how they persevered. 

Now in comparison, think about how much our Heavenly Father loves us and his parental pride in us. God loves us with a perfect love. The definition of him in the Word is 'God is love'. His love is described as unconditional. His love knows no boundaries. 

He gave his Son so that we can have eternal life with him in glory. God's son, Jesus Christ, being unjustly murdered was the epitome of sin. Jesus giving his life for us so that through faith in him and what he did for us so we will be saved is the epitome of love. God's love is perfect. 

Our Father who knew us and knitted us in our mother's womb and gave life to us watches us as we learn to be more like Jesus Christ and learn how to put on the mind of Jesus Christ. 

God sees us catch our balance when we stumble. He sees us correct ourselves every time we make a mistake. Jesus said we are to forgive our brother seven times seventy times when he sins against us. The mistakes we make trying to be more like Christ are just that, mistakes.

Our words and actions, even our way of thinking comes from a place of memory. Our body remembers the muscles we use to catch ourselves when we fall and to stand back up after we've fallen. We speak and act instinctively. Our heavenly Father sees us training our minds as we learn to replace a mind of carnality with the mind of Christ. He sees our struggle as we correct ourselves over and over again. He sees us try every day to be more and more like him and he has a father's love, watching us learn to be more like Jesus Christ. 

God's mercy is renewed every morning. The salvation that we're given comes from what he's accomplished not through our own efforts and works. If we could attain salvation on our own then Christ died in vain. If we think we can earn our way into heaven we're not glorifying Jesus and putting God where he needs to be in our minds and hearts. We're minimizing him with our self-righteousness instead of glorifying him as we walk in his righteousness and the righteousness and holiness that is ours through his sacrifice. As a loving Father God watches us as we learn to put on the mind of Christ and replace old habits with new habits. 

God watches us with joy. He bask in joy over us as we learn to use the instructions he's given us. He watches us with joy as we strengthen our minds and muscles and he's waiting for us to ask him for help. He's not going to take over while we're strengthening our spiritual muscles but he will come to our aid when we need him and ask him to. Jesus didn't instruct us to forgive our brother seven times seventy times when he sins against us then in contrast is waiting to strike us down when we inductively sin. The word says Jesus sits at the right hand of God making intercession for us. He is our advocate. 

As you learn to walk in your shoes of holiness and righteousness remember that God is love. He loves you unconditionally. His love is eternal. Your face is ever before him. Bask in your father's love. 

Written by: Lisa C