
Friday, April 16, 2021

Be the Light

You are a single rose In a sea of darkness. You will always be surrounded by darkness, But you are light. Light dispels darkness; Let your light shine.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Where Is It Found?

People look all over the place for true love, something that will give them joy from within, peace, and comfort but there is only one place that those things can be found. You cannot work for it. You cannot do anything to deserve it. You cannot pay for it in any way, shape, form, or fashion. You must receive it as a gift. You must trust that the Son of the one true God died for you on the cross and was risen from the dead. Today we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus was with God before the creation of this world. He was born a helpless baby, had a childhood, was a teenager, went through his twenties, and was about 30 when he began his ministry. Jesus knew that his purpose was to die for our sins. He fulfilled the Law and the Prophets and established with us a new covenant. Through our faith in Jesus Christ, our sins are forgiven and fellowship is restored between God and us who believe. The same holy spirit that Jesus was filled with and that was given to his disciples is given to us still today. The holy spirit is our teacher, guide, and comforter. The fruit of the holy spirit that we have as believers is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Our Heavenly Father gives freely to us who believe.The one true God, our Heavenly Father, gives us mercy, salvation, grace, the holy spirit, healing, answered prayers, unanswered prayers, eternal life, having a loving Father stand by us and strengthening us through every hardship, and so much more. The Holy Bible is full of promises that we can receive as believers today. So look no further for godly things in other people or things that you can buy or make with your hands. Only true love, joy, and peace come from God. And believe me when I tell you, no matter what you face in this world God can and will give you a perfect peace that is beyond all understanding while you are going through it. The wonderful things that we seek are from above and can be forever with you and inside of you. Just look to your Heavenly Father and believe. Lisa C